Featured Products
As we have access to such an extensive range of products it is advised that you fill in the contact form or email us so we can see if we can source the product you are looking for. An example of available products is below.
GE Datex Ohmeda Cardiocap 5
The GE Datex Ohmeda Cardio Cap 5 is a compact patient monitor that can double as an anesthesia agent monitor.
Verathon AORTASCAN AMI 9700
The refurbished Verathon AortaScan AMI 9700 is a portable ultrasound system used for aortic measurements.
Philips HeartStart XL+
The Philips HeartStart XL+ is a lightweight, portable, defibrillator and monitor.
Medfusion 2010i
The Medfusion 2010i is an ambulatory syringe pump fitting a variety of needs and applications.
Philips SureSigns VS4 NIBP Monitor
Vital signs monitoring with the Philips SureSigns VS4.
Zimmer Tourniquet ATS 2200
The Zimmer ATS 2200 is an automatic tourniquet system that is a single port, dual cuff touchscreen system.